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> At which NLP tasks are they state the art? The only one where they are really competitive is dependency parsing. (from my own disjonction of cases)

At tasks that actually involve graphs presumably. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.00596.pdf https://paperswithcode.com/task/graph-classification has a bunch of GNNs ranked #1

> Also were there any new real SOTA on any NLP tasks since last summer? I feel like accuracy progress has frozen..

That's pretty normal for winter/spring, it's not conference season.

it's not conference season Weird ^^ Imagine that I'm a scientist and that I made a big discovery X during winter. But for audience/visibility I only want to publish my results on conference Y during summer. Somebody, right before summer make the same discovery than mine. How do I protect the fact that I am the first one discoverer if I publish after the second?

You post it on arxiv

So the answer would be the SOTA results are on arxiv but are posted on paperswithcode.com leaderboards only at conference time? Sounds unlikely.

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