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> Enclosure doesn't look great.

Wow, that’s an understatement. It looks dirty and ragged.

Thanks for the feedback, its 3D printed and we're actively looking out for better options.

Friendly advice: don’t post the same link in response to every comment. It looks like spam.

EDIT, for context: User robertlangdon originally included the same typeform.com link in every comment, but has now edited most of the comments to remove these links.

Oh I am so sorry, my bad. I'll be careful.

Edit: After user tobr's useful advice, I've edited and removed links from most comments, hope that's fine. Our website will be up asap.

Thanks for the feedback, we're working on making the MVP better. The website is down unfortunately (trying to work on it asap)

Well, it's 3d printed, so, yeah, probably shitty because printed on the faster settings.


Yes it 3D printed, we wanted to test the prototype. If you have any suggestions do let us know.


You should expect much better results for a 3d print nowdays.

For a prototype which is expected to drive some interest 3d printing is fine, but print at 0.15 layers and do a couple of runs of sanding combined with filler before applying some paint. The case will look just like a regular finished product. I do this for custom projects where I want a perfect finish and/or show-off prototypes.

The layering is really annoying for some people.

For a final product, depending on the sale numbers, injection molding might be the only option. SLS and MJF give a very nice result, but the price range where they're economically viable is very narrow.

I think some combination of paint, sanding, and clearcoat would clean it up to the point of looking like it came out of a mold.

If you search for something along the lines of "paint and sand 3d print" or "finish 3d print" you'll find lots of different articles.

What is the expected retail price? The information is not present on the page but it’s a really important one.

Edit: $59 mentioned lower in the thread.

Well, 3D printers does far better with quality parts, dry PLA and in expert hands, and thus people are stupid, except it works so they are not.

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