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Retry pattern – A fundamental pattern for systems resilience (2018) (pradeeploganathan.com)
29 points by pradeepl on Feb 15, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

This Pradeep guy spams his blog posts here a lot. The majority are low skill tutorials. Even this, which sounds like it would be an interesting post, isn't.

Ok, but please make the point without getting personal ("this Pradeep guy").

Why? The personal aspect to it is important. He is self promoting his own low quality blog which breaks multiple rules.

Not sure if I've seen any before, but this one looks low effort, even though it's an interesting topic to explore there's no value provided.

Here's a great transcript from which I learned "why restarts help" (somewhere in the middle, the rest is well worth reading as well):


I like how the web site has overridden the default scroll behaviour, it's so much better this way.

Said no one ever.

Not sure why this is getting downvoted

Complaints about issues with page design appear frequently. There's a couple problems with them. One is that they distract from the topic of the submission, which is the reason why it's here. That's doubly the case when there aren't many comments yet, because threads are sensitive to initial conditions.


The other reason is that there are only a few such complaints that get recycled over and over, so they tend to be repetitive. Curiosity withers under repetition, and curiosity is what this site is for.


This doesn't mean that good page design isn't important, it means that part of the art of contributing well to a forum like HN is to resist bringing certain kinds of important things into the threads.

Thanks. This makes sense.

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