I don't think that's currently true in almost any mainstream language though. Even in C++, it's faster to use an optimized BLAS library working on a large set of data than your own for loop.
I actually did some benchmarking on this once upon a time[1] and it turns out that it's actually really easy to write something that is only ~5x slower[2] (until you get to matrices that don't fit in RAM):
Obviously OpenBLAS is so easy to package that it's not really worth avoiding it, but it was very eye-opening to see just how easy it is to get within an order of magnitude (easier, in fact, than getting into the 10x-20x range).
My guess that it's happening mostly due cache conflicts. With 1024 for a simplified L1 with 32kb you can fit exactly 8 lines of the inner dimmension in the cache, which means that (0,8,0) would have the same cache location as (0, 0, 0), which is bad for tiling