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Before Rand and Robyn Miller developed Myst, they created "The Manhole" and "Cosmic Osmo and the Worlds Beyond the Mackerel" in HyperCard:


>The Manhole is a notable computer game because like Cosmic Osmo and Spelunx it has no goal and no end; as a software toy the object is simply to explore and have fun.


>Describing The Manhole as "the first children's software to require a hard disk", Macworld in March 1989 stated that its "realistic sounds, the fantasy-filled graphics, and the stack construction are truly impressive". The magazine "highly recommended [the game] for young children[, and] it's hard to imagine a playful soul of any age who wouldn't enjoy exploring the mind-tickling world inside The Manhole".

>The Manhole won a Software Publishers Association Excellence in Software Award in 1989 for Best New Use of a Computer.


>Cosmic Osmo was created by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller, who went on to form the company Cyan and develop the best-selling adventure game Myst.

>It was created, and runs, using HyperCard. Animated portions were made using MacroMind VideoWorks, a linear animation program that later became Macromedia Director. A XCMD plug-in enabled VideoWorks animated sprites to be displayed with an alpha mask on top or behind HyperCard's graphic layer.

Cosmic Osmo (Apple Macintosh):


I will never forget the fun of watching a friend's little kid delightedly playing around with Cosmic Osmo, excitedly explaining and demonstrating everything to all the bewildered adults!

Navigable games like Myst, Cosmic Osmo, and Manhole are so memorable, thanks to the Method of Loci:


"What did you expect from a blind mouse playing a piano made of Swiss cheese?"


(Then at 14:25: Yo dawg, Cosmic Osmo in Cosmic Osmo!)

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