An LASER cutter is a really productive device to have around. It's very easy to create 2D parts.
Another way to go Open-Source for a lot less money (~$1500) is to buy a K40 on EBay and refit it with a Buildbotics controller.
The other day I needed a faceplate for an outlet with a circular 240v US dryer plug and a two port 120v US plug. I couldn't find anything at the hardware store that would work but I found drawings for the junction box and plugs online. After an hour or two with LibreCAD and CAMotics, I was ready to LASER cut my faceplate from 1/4" poplar. I was really happy when it fit exactly the first time. Now I keep looking behind the dryer to admire my handiwork.
Disclaimer: I'm a creator of CAMotics and Buildbotics.
Slightly offtopic: is poplar really the best material for an electrical wall plate? Wouldn't it be flammable? What's the dielectric withstand going to be like for a wooden wall plate in a humid environment like a laundry room?
solidwood faceplates are not uncommon. take a stroll down the electrical section of a major chain hardware store and you should be able to find a few. a lot of them seem to be made of bamboo. as for the dielectric properties, even in a “humid environment” its unlikely to be an issue. i mean, does a foggy morning short every outlet without a protective cover? if your voltages were high enough, sure you could draw an arc through the humid air...but it seems like you would have to hit closer to the kV range
No closed loop stepper support at this point. We are taking about making a driverless version of the Buildbotics controller which you could pair with any external driver or closed loop steppers.
Another way to go Open-Source for a lot less money (~$1500) is to buy a K40 on EBay and refit it with a Buildbotics controller.
The other day I needed a faceplate for an outlet with a circular 240v US dryer plug and a two port 120v US plug. I couldn't find anything at the hardware store that would work but I found drawings for the junction box and plugs online. After an hour or two with LibreCAD and CAMotics, I was ready to LASER cut my faceplate from 1/4" poplar. I was really happy when it fit exactly the first time. Now I keep looking behind the dryer to admire my handiwork.
Disclaimer: I'm a creator of CAMotics and Buildbotics.