Except wire up routing in a strange way, or pick a library for form validation or form framework, or come up with odd ways of structuring tests, picking a strange approach for animations, etc.
This is the cost when app architecture gets delegated to your developers over a high quality central solution, the quality is as good as your developers.
Those are the parts where you put a senior in charge. Hell I can't even do that in React, and have in the past literally hired a contractor to set that up for me.
> If you stick to prop drilling and functional code
Juniors new to React are unlikely to do so, IME (as a semi-new-to-React not-junior working on a team with new-to-React junior-ish devs -- by experience; there isn't a formal junior/not-junior distinction on our team.)
OTOH, if you do things you really shouldn't do in React, while they won't all be flagged, there's a very high probability it will result in at least related warnings pointing to it in the devtools console, so that's something.