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I wonder how you achieve this. The way I see it, Perl got that reputation mostly from a few sources: Heavy use of regexes when that still wasn't as common, the default variables like $_ and of course sigils (@list, $scalar, %hash). Sure, you can golf it to have some outrageous results in your Usenet signature while remaining McQ, but C has an obfuscation contest and never got as teased about that.

Sure, if you're coming from structured Pascal 101, that might be an issue, but in the day where deeply nested functional rat kings tend to replace the humble WHILE loop, is a Schwartzian transform that confusing?

> Heavy use of regexes when that still wasn't as common, the default variables like $_ and of course sigils (@list, $scalar, %hash).

And implicit variables. Also, implicit variables. Composed types didn't make it any easier; and references, that broke all the logic implicit on the sigils.

Oh, and did I mention implicit variables?

> and references, that broke all the logic implicit on the sigils.

They don't break the logic, they just follow different logic than many people assume. Either you're indicating a collection (a hash or array), or you're indicating an item. @ is a plurality indicator, while $ is an individual indicator. You reference the single item of the @foo array with $foo[0] for the same reason you say "the first apple of the bunch" instead of "the first apples of the bunch" when you want the first one. Yes, it's probably better not done that way (it's not something you can usefully change in Perl 5 at this point), but it does follow well defined rules, apparently just not the ones you assumed.

Implicit variables can usually be avoided (except for $_, but that's pretty normal these days, and I'm pretty sure it topical variables didn't begin with Perl), and often they're lexical so usually other people's code messing with them is contained. Except for $_ itself which isn't lexical, which is it's own story and a pain point. :/

Implicit variables all came from UNIX shells which are in use to this day. What was the exit code of the last program? "$?".

C works similarly. What was the error from the last system call? "errno".

Certainly there are problems with this; we've all seen the programs that output "Error doing something: Success". But it isn't Perl that invented this. It's a UNIX tradition.

Sure, the logic of the sigils is easily broken, but that just brings us back to every other language, with the added noise of the "$" sign (so pretty much to PHP).

As for implicit variables, I rarely see anything else than $?, $|, $_ and @_, of course. And I'd argue that $_ often makes code a bit easier to understand than cluttering it up with a variable declaration. No worse than point-free programming in more modern languages.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Perl is that well architected and that Perl5 would've required some more courage at dropping backwards compatibility, but what I don't get is why Perl is singled out here. It's not that radically different like e.g. APL or ScalaZ.

Compared to other languages of its day, this feels a bit like the "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915" joke. Then again, perfectly fitting into similar conflicts about brace styles or 1-based indexes…

> It's not that radically different like e.g. APL or ScalaZ.

Both of what never got as much popular.

Perl is singled out because it was used. And too often on short scripts that grew into thousands of lines, so the problems showed up.

Re: implicit variables, I understand there are environments where "use strict" is not an option. As someone working in Perl heavy shops for about 10 years, I hardly see any Perl program that does not use strict.

Now, Python on the other hand...

Strict does not forbid implicit variables.

It fixes a hole lot of more important problems, but it's mostly aimed at problems that will make your code misbehave, not the ones that will make it hard to read.

One of the early foundational principles of Perl was "TMTOWTDI" (http://wiki.c2.com/?ThereIsMoreThanOneWayToDoIt for the unfamiliar). The intention behind this was cool: do "it" whichever way makes the most sense for your particular situation.

But the end result was horrible: everyone did "it" every possible way, and that, IMO, is the underlying reason for Perl's reputation for being unreadable.

I also think it had a great deal of impact on the development of later languages and principles, which tend to focus much more on removing freedom from the programmer and enforcing idiomatic ways of doing "it". Today, you're far more likely to encounter modern code written by different programmers which looks very similar -- at least on a line-by-line basis, anyway. At the architectural level, it's still a big game of Calvinball.

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