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'SJW' was invented by the left and used in a positive context, the cynical populist interpretation happened sometime after 2010.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/10...

How is that inconsistent with what I wrote? Words change. The definition used upthread was clearly perjorative and used within the (new! that's literally what the article was about!) Oxford definition described by the coverage you linked to. And it's an insult, and an invention of the reactionary right.

It's inconsistent with you said because you said 'SJW' was an invention of the right, it's wasn't, it was an invention of the left.

Good grief. The current pervasive use of "SJW" as a derogation, as used by zweep above in the comment to which I directly replied, is an invention of the right. Better?

What you said was: "The very term "social justice warrior" is an invention of the reactionary right, though."

This is not correct, and not what you are saying now.

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