Don't forget about how many Atheist YouTubers went full anti-feminism after Gamergate. It created some of the strongest repugnant feelings for the community (even today).
There was a lot going on around Gamergate that wasn't directly related to gamergate though. I used to follow games journalism quite fervently and stopped around 2013 due to the purity spiral it was going down.
Feminism wasn't just standing around doing nothing. Grifters and frauds exploited feminism and attacked games and game players. Feminists fell for the grifters and fraudsters grift and fraud and dutifully went after game. Then they went after those who defended games. Then they went after those who defended the defenders of games.
Those on the gamers side of gamergate are the only reason the purity spiral was broken. And that includes a very large number of people who weren't originally on the gamers side of gamergate.