I got nothing against functional programming, I embrace it. However, im stating again, shoving everything under one umbrella is bound to create a complex monster. Functional programming is actually easier to understand in F# rather than C#, the idioms do translate but clunkily. Do yourseves a favor and spend some time outside C# and you’ll come back illuminated.
Not saying C# is bad, thats what you all seem to understand though.
Yes, its all subjective, I know. But stepping out of the garden is what I’d like people to take out of this. Saying C# is the most beautiful language (like some commenter states) is true only if you haven’t dabbled in many languages. And once you do you feel stupid for having had this conviction in the first place. Ive used C# throughout my career, I don’t diss the language or the ecosystem, but other things are to be considered as well and cargoculting is a thing
Not saying C# is bad, thats what you all seem to understand though.
Good luck to you all