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I wish more NPM modules were vanilla JS; then it wouldn't be quite so hellish to audit your dependencies or vendor them.

I needed a lib to measure text for layout recently, and ran across https://github.com/soulwire/FontMetrics which is nice and clean and completely self contained. It's a perfect library.

Yep, I wish either nmpjs.com or npms.io would list the total number of transitive dependencies in their search so I could sort by it.

npmjs.com shows the number of dependencies at the top but doesn't total in dev-dependencies unless you dive in further. At first glance, npmjs.com leads you to believe webpack has only 24 dependencies when they have 52 additional dev dependencies leading to ~300 transitive deps with ~200 maintainers I now have to either constantly audit or implicitly trust[0]

[0] http://npm.broofa.com/?q=webpack

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