But that's an RFC, so it carries (very slightly) more weight than an Internet Draft. In the real world, what matters is whether it's implemented: https://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/writeup/
> In the real world, what matters is whether it's implemented
Yes, RFC 2324[1] is also serious business because it’s implemented in the real world. Or at least I have implemented HTTP 418 I’m a teapot. (I’ve also seen gross violations where some APIs use HTTP 418 as their custom error code instead of complying with the RFC.)
> I've also seen gross violations where some APIs use HTTP 418 as their custom error code instead of complying with the RFC.
I know a lot of people disagree with the IETF's policy of imprisoning those who fail to comply with the RFC, but personally I don't think they go far enough.