Can't really comment, it seems to require I login just to even browse the site.
I'm always a little bit put-off in having to divulge any info just to get a basic feel of a "casual" site like this. Ideally I'd be able to at least browse some other pics or something.
The browse page looks at pictures your friends have made. I was thinking about adding up/downvote ability so I could have a universal browse page, but I have some hangups about letting anyone view memes people have made of you since you didn't consent to your picture being on the site per se. I chose the cautious route.
I'll confess - I'm not a design guy. I wanted to get the site functional and then worry about it. I really think the design is the site's only weakness.
How can I improve it? What would you add? What would you take away?
I'm always a little bit put-off in having to divulge any info just to get a basic feel of a "casual" site like this. Ideally I'd be able to at least browse some other pics or something.