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The impression given here is that you only use it as a dumb store of data. My experience is that it's more like:


Why, because it offers SQL support? That just makes it a relational database that supports SQL. MS Access supports SQL.

If you were to draw up a feature list of Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL and SQLite, SQLite would have almost none of the features of any of the actual RDBMSs.

Here's some examples from MS SQL:

- Support to PMEM devices and bypassing OS storage mechanisms for optimal file read/write access

- Availability Groups and synchronous replica pairs

- Users and permissions

- Secure Enclaves

- Certificate management functionality

- BI tools

- Database tuning advisor

- Machine Learning services

- Service Broker

- Replication services

- Analysis Services

- Reporting services

- Notification services

- Integration services

and so on.

Draw up a set of features for JSON files and jq and compare to SQLite. Is it closer to MS SQL or JSON?

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