All the more reason to find work elsewhere which will cause those available to do the work be more scarce which will cause the compensation for the work to go up. For those under economic duress as it were, there's time. This isn't an imminent danger.
Nope. We should not sacrifice poor people on the altar of quarterly profit goals. Doubly so for companies like Google and Facebook, which are hugely profitable.
There is a sufficient supply of desperate and/or naive people that the market equilibrium is significant and lasting harm to humans. If companies won't solve that problem on their own, then the alternative is regulation. Given the history of physically dangerous jobs over the last century or so, I expect regulation is the likely outcome.
But these are not poor people. At $37k annually they are in the middle third of US income and substantially above the poverty level.
The article linked below profiles a man that "worries that he will not be able to find another job that pays as well as this one does". This indicates to me that all else being equal, they are already offering a premium.
Nor does it sound like he is either desperate or naive. He is well aware of market compensation and he is struggling to decide on the tradeoffs.
Oh? What's that relative to your income? Because my point isn't about absolute dollars. It's about America's long-running tendency toward exploitation of people with less money.
And two years later, they develop PTSD, and look for help with that, at which point Accenture waves this document saying they have absolutely zero responsibility to assist with it.