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Worked real well for TV. Lots of people went back to piracy because you have to be on so many platforms.

I guess it's not a fair comparison though, since you can't really subscribe to steam. So I regret saying anything.

Has anyone tried that model? "Pay us $30/mo and play whatever you want."

EA has this with Origin Access (2 tiers, $5m/$30y and $15m/$100y), alongside Ubisoft with UPlay+ ($15m). And I guess platforms like Stadia would fall under this category.

Of course, the games are specific to the publisher or the partnerships the platform has.

See also Xbox Game Pass for PC (10+ games, Windows 10), and VivePort Infinity (for VR, 600+ games).

Playstation Now for PS4/PC (800+ games, PS4 / Windows)

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