The amount to which I was steeped in tech due to being able to do things like dumpster dive for computer hardware in the 80s definitely affected my career path, but _that is not a thing anymore_. And you are already interested, so having a seed of 'what's that?' isn't so necessary.
I've been out of the bay for 5 years, and worked there for almost 20. The opportunities I had were about a time and place, and _today_ that place is far more online than physically based.
If you can make it to the bay, it is a wonderful place, full of tech and culture and people from all over, but it is not the only place with all that. It's also hella expensive.
I think the Bay's time as _the_ place to be is over, but it's still _a_ place to be.
The amount to which I was steeped in tech due to being able to do things like dumpster dive for computer hardware in the 80s definitely affected my career path, but _that is not a thing anymore_. And you are already interested, so having a seed of 'what's that?' isn't so necessary.
I've been out of the bay for 5 years, and worked there for almost 20. The opportunities I had were about a time and place, and _today_ that place is far more online than physically based.
If you can make it to the bay, it is a wonderful place, full of tech and culture and people from all over, but it is not the only place with all that. It's also hella expensive.
I think the Bay's time as _the_ place to be is over, but it's still _a_ place to be.
Good luck!