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I think this submission is great. Not necessarily because of the script itself, but because of the openness and confidence of sharing it in a public forum.

In this public forum, we all have some degree of visibility and an association with our professional selves. It is an easy movement to provide a competing viewpoint on the value of a new script. Many of us have highly integrated systems that can provide the same result in a line or two of very terse configuration, often with the requirement of much hidden tooling. Others simply will have feelings about specific implementations, or languages.

So I want to just thank you for being brave and sharing this with us, because seeing how someone else is doing it is one of the fastest ways to learn, to remember, and to grow. I did look at your script and I think it's quite obvious you put yourself into the script, and that it was written out of a passion for technology as it was of a need. Kudos.

What a great comment. It makes sense to not spend too much space on the quality of the script in it, so I want to do it shortly in this one.

This script is beautiful.

I write and read shell scripts mostly for fun, and this one is something I will refer to for quite some time. It really shows that shell scripts can be nice and readable.

__app_dev__, thank you for your 'Show HN' submission.

Thanks so much digitalsushi and h1x!

I really appreciate your nice comments! For the script I made it a readable as I possibly could since scripts like this need as much clarity as possible for security purposes and to help anyone who wants to re-purpose the script for their environment.

h1x you might want to take a look at my other shell script on this project as well. It's about ~1500 lines of well commented code and allows file encryption on many different Linux OS's.


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