The post doesn't mention it, but the best source for learning awk is _The Awk Programming Language_ ( by Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan. It's short and to the point, has a good tutorial and reference, and it's even co-written by Brian Kernighan. It's that good. There's also a collection at resources at .
Awk's pattern-structured rules are very powerful, and learning to use them well (rather than writing if statements, etc.) is a big part of using awk idiomatically.
Also, note which awk you're using - awk may actually be nawk ("new awk", the awk that book covers) or GNU awk, which, in typical FSF fashion, has grafted on a whole bunch of extra functionality. (Although the networking stuff is cool.) Things will probably make more sense if you start with nawk, and then explore the sprawling extensions of gawk.
Awk is one of those tools I didn't know about until 6 months ago, and now I have no idea how I lived without it for so long. If you're manipulating text files, it's just so effortless.
Actually the single quotes are not part of the Awk language. They are used by the posix shell to preservers the literal meaning of the characters, in this case { } and $. they are not needed in self contained Awk scripts.
I see there's a bunch of replies, some with more and more commands through a pipe.
Seriously, if you are going to be using a shell, you will be typing a ' char all the time, so probably better to just get used to it rather than go through all those convolutions with tr and cut.
Awk's pattern-structured rules are very powerful, and learning to use them well (rather than writing if statements, etc.) is a big part of using awk idiomatically.
Also, note which awk you're using - awk may actually be nawk ("new awk", the awk that book covers) or GNU awk, which, in typical FSF fashion, has grafted on a whole bunch of extra functionality. (Although the networking stuff is cool.) Things will probably make more sense if you start with nawk, and then explore the sprawling extensions of gawk.