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Gen Y Sounds Like A Bunch Of Entitled Whiners (jibberjobber.com)
3 points by tomh on June 18, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

From the comments:

"email | gen-y tries to minimise email to a void information overload as discussed in previous paragraph. the use of messenger and texting is to lower the characters allowed in a message and get across the point quicker with more clarity."

This is so much bullshit. Texting and messaging are habits, not virtues. Speaking as an entitled whiner, the things I do are not reasoned responses to perceived inefficiencies in the workplace, they're just what I'm used to.

It's the kind of ageist thinking presented in this article that makes us Gen Y-ers (I'm 20) hate the older generations.

The only things that matter are talent and skills.

can we ban stories like this? they make my worktime web surfing less enjoyable and hurt my self-actualization

Here's a little quiz:

If all Gen Yers say, "Not Hacker News."

and some Gen Xers say, "Please don't vote this up."

while most Boomers say, "Same old story, different link."

and I say all three, then how old am I?

The author's writing is more immature and less thoughtful than the group he criticizes. There are smart and thoughtful individuals of every age. Enough so that we don't need to submit articles of authors who write like this.

It's more like old folks are wining about young people being different. Same old story. One day I will probably join the ranks, too, and the cycle will continue :)

In my experience, most people ages 18 to 25 are entitled whiners. (I know I sure was.)

It's ok, you grow out of it.

I think it's the whiny I-know-it-all I-was-young-once attitude that annoys that age group.

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