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"Feeding the search machine only makes google stronger. If businesses stop giving away their content to google for free, it will stop being so important"

So, let's say you are a business. You can only control what you do, not what all the other businesses in the world do.

Is your strategy to keep your content off Google, in hopes that you will starve the "search machine" and thereby weaken it?

My guess is you won't be a business for long with that strategy.

Almost all of facebook s content is off google

But take basecamp for example. Do they really need google searches for such a specialized business software? There is email and other forms of marketing they can use to reach out directly to prospective users with that 70000.

So they should spam people rather than let people do searches and arrive at their site?

And that is just Basecamp. There are many other businesses whose best strategy is to "play ball" with the dominant companies. But they are at their mercy.

Many people (including myself) feel that this isn't healthy competition nor is socially optimal.

Regardless, my point was that you advocated a strategy that only works if all the small companies are cooperating....in other words, a game theoretically unsound strategy.

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