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This is the most garbled attempt to hand-wave away science that I've seen for a while.

> Climate Change is a buzzword,the earth has and always will go through a series of warming and cooling.

Wrong on it being a buzzword, correct on the Earth going through natural cycles. However you may find this video enlightening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5hs4KVeiAU in terms of CO2's role with respect to other factors.

> Yes but glyphosate and heavy metals in the atmosphere that rains down on the soil and a steady amount of lead water hydrating the crops are just fine and dandy

Errr - no? Just because one thing is bad, doesn't mean that something else can also be bad.

Regarding your suggestion that earthquakes are caused by > a diminishing magnetic field in the earths atmosphere, and a constant bombardment of solar winds that pound into the magma of the earth causing it to shift around

Where are you getting this stuff? certainly not from science books. Is there a Youtube channel somewhere that you are using to inform yourself? If so, you might want to work through this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX-Xobr_TfH...

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