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Why do you think there would be extra oxygen? Atmospheric CO2 is made from atmospheric O2.

I'd agree being in a room pumped with CO₂ would significantly deteriorate cognitive functions, but I have a feeling the studies are overblown WRT climate change.

Humans have high adaptability to increased CO₂ loads (see e.g. freedivers), but adaptation takes time. The studies usually deal with temporary CO₂ increases / O₂ decreases, often in way higher concentrations like 1-10%, whereas a couple percent atmospheric CO₂ would already burn us to a crisp (figuratively).

The studies are CO2 in the 500/1000/1500 and 600/1500/2500 ppm ranges, or 0.05-0.25 percent:



Thanks, seems I've missed a decimal. My questionable sources[1][2] mention concentrations up to 14000 ppm = 1.4% and seem to disagree whether going higher cognitive decline plateaus or it becomes harmful.

Seems there is merit for concern, though I stand by my claims of cognitive effects probably being more temporary than permanent.

[1] https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/DtQzYXBTwaWXbhCoS/stale-air-...

[2] https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/co2-on-the-brain-and-the...

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