People that have a university degree in the Netherlands will generally have a good life and a high income. They can repay this debt without much trouble. You will pay it back based on your income and there is no intrest on it. It's an investment in your life. On average your income will double.
The alternative is having the rest of the population pay for your education. Even the ones with a low wage and no or low education. That doesn't seem fair to them.
This is the exact same story American students were told for so long. If/when it stops being true you end up fucking over at least an entire generation
This is extremely spurious, especially given that there's a significant fraction of the student population studying things that are fundamentally not terribly useful from a money point of view (think about philosophy and any of the cultural studies).
> The alternative is having the rest of the population pay for your education
The Netherlands does this, and you can easily tell by viewing the discrepancy between yearly costs for someone from outside the EU versus someone from inside the EU. You'll figure out that the money comes from somewhere, and that somewhere is the government.
> The alternative is having the rest of the population pay for your education.
Oh? Corporations are a thing. An educated workforce is valuable to corporations. The corporation taxes can be increased to reflect the cost of creating that educated workforce.
Lets stop talking about taking people and go after corporations where the real money is. (Esp since the wealthy hide their money in corporate tax structures)
Corporations aren't a thing. They're a legal construct. They're owned by shareholders, who are mostly institutional investors ... pension funds, 401k, etc ... everyday people. So you will be taxing everyone. The same people who already pay income taxes on their earnings. And that's assuming they don't just pass the additional cost down via increased prices on whatever it is they produce.
If you want to tax the wealthy, this is not the way to do it.
The alternative is having the rest of the population pay for your education. Even the ones with a low wage and no or low education. That doesn't seem fair to them.