Brilliant strategy - graduate college, file bankruptcy, get rid of the student loan debt. Most college graduates rent for the first few years and with the utility of VISA debit cards, no need for a credit card. Live in a city, use public transport ad Uber, no need for a car loan. In 7 years, you can buy a house.
You can get an FHA loan two years after bankruptcy. Twelve months in limited cases. An FHA loan has less desirable terms than a conventional loan but not so much so that it would dissuade anyone from getting $100k in student loans dismissed.
> Most college graduates rent for the first few years
Many landlords are loath to rent to recent graduates, those with poor credit and a history of bankruptcy. It's an owner's market, and someone who checks all three risky boxes will be skipped over for another tenant who comes with less risk.
If it was a common practice for college graduates to declare bankruptcy in this manner then landlords would take that into consideration. But of course, if it were a common practice it would also promptly be banned and we would be back in the same place we are now.