Ironically a lot of "puritan" values are now considered "social justice" values.
See eg "shirtgate" where an astronomer was castigated by feminists for wearing a shirt with skimpily clad figures, on the basis that it was offensive to women. Ironically, the shirt had been given to him by a feminist woman friend who thought it was liberating.
There's always some subset of the population whose conception of "morality" consists of blindly bellowing the dogma of the day. It's not weird that the behavior looks identical even though the dogma itself is nominally different.
Interestingly, 'vulgarity' as a concept is more universal than you would think. Certain concepts in traditional Japanese aesthetics, for example, emphasize an avoidance of vulgar behaviors, which are not too dissimilar from the western counterpart. It mostly has to do with avoiding (perceived) unrefined behaviors of the lower classes.
>> Also appears there are some misgiving regarding crude language within the Hindu religion as well.
> Ok, let's call that puritan values of abrahamic religions.
Opposition to bad language is a feature of every society with more than one social class, which is all civilized societies and a lot of uncivilized ones.
Everyone shits, but "shit" is still considered a bad word because of its material properties. Fuck, on the other hand, is something everyone loves doing, except when done by force... I guess the reason it's still seen as a bad word rather than a "love word" (besides old religious believes that sex is actually intrinsically bad, which some people might still hold) is that "fuck" is unconsciously associated with forced sex (rape, to be clear) while consensual sex is associated with other words/phrases like "make love", "intercourse" etc. which do not have the same bad connotation.
I think the "old religious beliefs" have more to do with it than any connotation of forced sex (at least I have never recognized this in the way people use the word).
"making love" is something partners do as a healthy and (re)productive part of their relationship, "fucking" is what 'animals' do, purely done for pleasure. It is a bad word for the same reason gluttony, excessive alcohol and drugs are a sin. A society where everyone mindlessly chases dopamine from carnal pleasures is less productive, especially when this leads to unrest and violence (and I guess that's where forced sex comes into play).