Horrible messy business logic to fulfill a short term contract. It's been a long time, but if memory serves it was used for data ingestion. The file was 6000 lines, the worst method was over a third of that, closer to half.
It never really worked, as some of us predicted while the project was being ramped up. Without going into too much detail (most of which has gone from my head anyway), the speed of light won and we used a different architecture which obsoleted most of that code.
However, if I and the other people who said it couldn't be done had gotten our way, that sale would have gone much worse for us. Decisions from incomplete data and all that jazz. It went live and the customer and we cashed the check with less than two months of operating capital left, while the lawyers were still futzing around with term sheets.
The irony is this was also the owner who thought he was rallying the troops and instead filled us with existential dread every time he tried to give us a speech. Why I wasn't aware we were scraping bottom of the barrel until six months later, I'll never know.