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Best Movies about Startups and Entrepreneurship (pathikshah.com)
3 points by pathik on Feb 9, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Startup.com and E-dreams are documentaries about high flying startups (GovWorks and Kozmo.com, respectively) from the first dotcom boom.

Interestingly, both document NYC startups rather than Silicon Valley ones. There are some great Sand Hill road scenes in Startup.com, though.

I am a great fan of movies and as an aspiring entrepreneur, I have been trying to find the best movies about startups. I couldn't find a list of such movies, so I decided to make one myself. Do check it out and tell me if I've missed anything.

Boiler Room - one of my favorite movies ever. It will change you.

Strangely enough, I was talking to one of the sales guys at the $DAYJOB a couple of days ago, and we got on the subject of movies, and he brought up Boiler Room. I looked for the DVD at Barnes & Noble and they didn't have it... guess I'll go download it and see what the fuss is all about.

Glengarry Glen Ross is another fun movie about sales and life in the world of business. ABC!

Will add that. Should I add Wall Street too?

Wall street:Money never sleeps, or the first Wallstreet?

Money never sleeps was decent, never saw the first one.

Also add Glengarry Glen Ross. Thats where "ABC, Always Be Closing" came from.

Riot On! is quite an entertaining documentary. About a Finnish mobile startup with incompetent founders + tons of investor money to burn (and burn they did!). T

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