"I feel so strongly that WebRTC/P2P is the future I want to see."
This sounds like it'd bring back the good ol' DDoS days where cable modem users could just knock dial-up users offline with a simple packet flood, or ACK flood, or SYN attack, because the IP address was known. Especially since WebRTC has a nasty habit of leaking IPs when (easily) misconfigured, so much so that VPN services have dedicated WebRTC services to check if you're leaking out your IP due to such easy chance of misconfiguration.
I am fine with NATs! I think is a good compromise between security and connectivity. If two users want to connect they have to explicitly do NAT traversal.
Wasn't mDNS designed for small networks like intranets, not the whole internet?
I'm reading a discussion on Google where in the comments it is mentioned that you can still obtain IP addresses even with mDNS enabled if you're allowing video and audio with a specific flag set (again with the configuration implementation.)
This sounds like it'd bring back the good ol' DDoS days where cable modem users could just knock dial-up users offline with a simple packet flood, or ACK flood, or SYN attack, because the IP address was known. Especially since WebRTC has a nasty habit of leaking IPs when (easily) misconfigured, so much so that VPN services have dedicated WebRTC services to check if you're leaking out your IP due to such easy chance of misconfiguration.