I don't mind. You don't need to skip the levels if you don't want to. Two recent puzzle games I've played on the iPhone (Cut the Rope, and Puzzler World) both offer ways to skip through difficult puzzles, and I've yet to use them.
Re: EA's "buying your way through a game", this is old (comparatively) behaviour that's been going on in XBLM and PSN. It's annoying, but so far it's been ignorable. Multiplayer that requires DLC rubs me the wrong way, but I vote with my wallet and stop playing when this sort of thing happens (it's been rare that I've found continued value in a game when they do this, but I suspect I'm in the minority).
I think its safe to say they agree with you already. From the post: Even after making it easy to skip levels, the game will likely still be too challenging for some players’ tastes, but we’re OK with that. It’s a puzzle game, not a scenic tour of Kyle’s artwork.
That being said, I wouldn't mind having a scenic tour of Goo artwork..
Nit: the blog post said "fastest selling", not "most revenue". It's been out on PC and Wii for over two years, so it's probably earned much more money on both the platforms by now.
related: I played EA's Need For Speed on the iPad recently, and I noticed they've provided a means to essentially buy your way through the game