I misunderstood then. However, if you just meant that people prefer method syntax because method syntax is infix, then it seems to come full circle to asking why they like infix syntax for methods... Doesn't really matter - it is what it is.
Well, if you imagine some prefix method syntax -- let's say, foo[a](b, c, d) instead of a.foo(b, c, d) -- it misses out on one of the advantages, in that method chaining is easier to read. I mean this is a nice feature for function call syntax in general and the benefits of infix syntax is not specific to methods. This is one reason why some new languages make f(a, b, c) and a.f(b, c) produce the same AST. Anyway, I wanted to separate the effects of infix positioning of the method name from those of having distinguished syntax for method invocations, which with static dispatch still carries other advantages.