there are still evolutionary justifications which I'm sympathetic to now and then, but mostly not. In many (most?) cases, understanding if something should be one-one or one-many is known up front. Or should be known. We have decades of examples of best practices with many common data structures. Hard coding a customer account to only ever have one address, for example - no. I don't buy that justification - a customer/address thing - for any size company/project - should just be modeled as one-many (at least). It may be slightly more 'work' up front, but that work avoids potentially major breaking changes and work later on.
I get countered with "YAGNI" now and then, but after 25+ years of doing this (and, again, decades of examples of your exact use cases already in google ready to learn from), I can usually tell when you ARE going to need it.
I get countered with "YAGNI" now and then, but after 25+ years of doing this (and, again, decades of examples of your exact use cases already in google ready to learn from), I can usually tell when you ARE going to need it.