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I think you are just dismissing the fact that people have genuine grievances, even if they are not only not expressing themselves properly because they probably feel utterly powerless, but also because they likely don't quite understand how their own actions lead to the current situation.

Is it not legitimate to point out that they either used an old looking 6 year old girl, photoshopped the heck out of that image, or the seat is not at all to dimension of the common airplane seat. Seriously, I have broad shoulders … not even the broadest … and I have a hard time just keeping my shoulders within my space due to the laws of physics being violated by the seat widths on these planes these days.

I don't think it is fair of you to just dismiss the growing frustrations towards legitimate issues, even if those expressing them are having to deal with the consequences of their own values that translated into what they supported and that then translated into actions and inactions taken by government and industry.

I hate to break it to you people, but between "free" money being printed by basically all central banks, unfettered "immigration", the sellout to China and India, environmental regulation and capture that will make flying ever more expensive once the environmentalists realize just how damaging flying is, affirmative action and diversity type policies that cause all kinds of inefficiencies and conflicts and collisions in systems, among several other things … will all only make this situation far worse.

Some way blather something about how new technology will develop new planes, but reality is that it will not lead to wider seats, only more seats wide. The designs are already baked into the production lines at this point and all fuselage designs ALL are designed to specs for getting more seats in width wise, not wider seats.

If people wanted wider seats, they should have pushed through legislation requiring certain seat widths on human rights grounds about 10 or 15 years ago. You would never be able to get anything like that pushed through unless some wily judge is willing to throw wrenches into the aerospace industry gears.

Wouldn't a diversity initiative improve the situation for those of us that aren't height or width challenged?

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