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Fun fact: I created the F7U12 subreddit. I'm sorry, but it's a fantastic way to unwind and a great community due to the fact that most comics are common annoyances everyday people have.

Besides, you can always unsubscribe.

Well it was about common annoyances. Now it's mostly about the annoyances in social interactions.

More power to that /r/!

However - I am not a subscriber - and the FUU comic as a visual style has become a way of communicating in many other subreddits.

I just want the style/genre of a pic to be taggable so I can opt-out.

Regardless of the content of a FUUU / rage style comic, they never seem to be seen as appropriate view-at-work material.

Oh, I agree with that. I hadn't realised there were comics posted in other subreddits that much, maybe I didn't notice because I am subscribed to FU...

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