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I used to play table tennis against my grandfather when I was in my mid teens (he was on the young side). At first, I needed a 15 point head start for it to be close (first to 21). After playing every day for a couple of months we started on equal terms and I only mostly lost.

That was fun! I learned and improved but also every point I won was a victory. Had I played against a professional I'd probably never have won a point, never have got better, and quickly got disheartened. There is just a limit past which the skill gap stops things being fun imo

I use to play during lunch at college, but sometimes there were only asians to play against who hold the bat upside down and hit the ball so fast you could barely see it.

After a while I managed to return the ball back and forth a couple of times, maybe they were going easy on me tho :)

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