No mention of go and it's handicap system. I once watched 12 year old Japanese girl wipe the floor with an Australian friend with ranking in the Australian go scene, in a go club behind Tokyo station.
Maybe you decide not to care about starting at the same level. That’s usually an easy fix. The strategy game Go, for example, gives weaker players extra stones on the board to start, allowing both players to try their hardest and feel like they have a chance of winning.
Speedreading is something used by delusional people who think that reading is just inputting words as fast as possible. Slowreading (taking your time to fully understand and reflect on what you read) needs to become a thing. But that isn't as ~distinguished~ as saying "I can read at X words/min" or "I read Y novels/year".
Skimming is useful, because you don't necessarily want to read an entire page if you're looking for one thing. Wikipedia pages are an example of where you might want to skim until you find the relevant section you're looking for.
In fact I skim many articles on HN to decide if they're worth reading or not. If they are, then I go back and slowread the entire thing before making a comment.
I originally wrote skim. I changed it to speed. I therefore lost again since speed reading is less worthy than skimming which is less worthy than slow reading.
But, I am winning at losing. Nobody can take that away from me.