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Show HN: Adventurekeep – A Toolkit for D&D (adventurekeep.com)
182 points by montagh451 on Dec 3, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 57 comments

Hey everyone,

I've been playing Dungeons & Dragons for several years now, and have been in search of a set of tools that work cohesively together. Nothing I found quite fit the vision I had in mind, so I decided to build a toolkit myself.

Adventurekeep is a toolkit for planning and running sessions of D&D. It allows for planning combat encounters, quickly referencing rules, wiki-style smart linking, and simple drag-and-drop page management.

I drew inspiration for the site from productivity tools like Notion, with its super-powered text editor, and took that concept to make it more tabletop gaming focused.

This is really just the beginning of my vision for Adventurekeep. I have a lot of great ideas in the works like a live player view, and robust sharing capabilities. If you're a D&D player, or have a general interest in tabletop gaming, please check it out and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you.

A dungeon mapper, open source, it saves maps to the URL so no signup needed and they are easy to share with players.


Very simple to share parts of a dungeon and as the players explore reveal more of it by msg-ing them the new URL

Looks very cool. Will definitely try it out for mapping out a scenario.

One thing I immediately wanted was a way to link certain lines to different pages. For example, I might come up with a character or other feature of a city on the spot for my players, and want to add it to that citys page to keep track of it for future reference. But I might also want to keep a linear log of what happened (or didn't) to my players. It would be nice if there was a way to link an entry from the city page to the log so I don't need to duplicate manually and everything is kept consistent if I later revise the entry in the city page.

Yes! This would be a great addition. Thank you!

Hey there. I absolutely love what you made. It feels super convenient and I'll be using it for my next DnD campaign for sure! The only request that I can think of right now is the ability to make subsections that can hold their own pages. This may be useful when, for example, creating details about a certain area/region and wanting more specific areas to be nested within larger geographic areas. Or alternatively, collapsible headings/lists.

Hey, thanks so much for the feedback! These are great suggestions. I’ll take a look at these!

Looks great!

One tool that I would love to have, and that every DM I know would as well: integrated music handling. I'd love to upload music files, and be able to embed looped playlists of them within area descriptions or encounter descriptions.

I’ve been dreaming of adding this! It’s certainly on my roadmap. Keep an eye out for updates on this

Pathfinder 1.0 and 2.0 in the future?

If this project garners enough interest, totally possible!

There is no explanation of how you use my email address before providing it. If this is a free service then I assume that I am the product. There is no privacy policy. Conventional wisdom would say that only a fool would enter their address to that form. I could check the copyright or the whois and try to track down some semblance of trustworthiness but on its face this is too suspicious to trust with contact information.

Hi there sorry about that - to clarify, there _is_ a paid upgrade (the core product is, and always will be, free). To be clear, we in no way sell your information to 3rd parties.

I apologize there is no privacy policy in place at the moment. I will get that in place ASAP.

EDIT: You can find our privacy policy here: https://adventurekeep.com/privacy

I see the privacy policy is available through the site now, thanks for the update.

> Conventional wisdom would say that only a fool would enter their address to that form.

That's a bit judgmental isn't it? What if I don't care as much as you about my email address being shared?

I've thought a lot about making a tool like this, and you've accomplished a lot of what I had in mind. It looks awesome!

One piece of feedback that would make or break this tool for me: I would love to see better keyboard interactions. In my ideal version of this, quick search would pull up on some keybind, and then once I search for something, I would be able to use my arrow keys to scroll down the list of results without clicking.

For me this is basically getting at what I think is _the_ killer feature for an app like this: super-efficient navigation/search. Mouse interactions are simply too slow for me to incorporate them into live DMing.

This is great feedback! I've been considering adding power-user keyboard navigation like you're describing, as I too would love to have these sorts of interactions.

I'd love to know what other sorts of keyboard interactions you would like to see. I will look into this and keep you posted!

A version using vi bindings would be amazing.

I actually think that being able to operate the quicksearch with just a keyboard would be most of what I would want!

In addition, I think being able to set up some sort of quick jump-to-page system where you can tag pages that you use a lot and jump to them with one key press/combo would be amazing.

Very cool- signed up, but am at work right now so I don't have time to delve really deeply into it. The encounter generator looks pretty great, the few tests I performed seemed to be reasonable encounters for the difficulty I set. I'm currently running a campaign over Roll20, this looks like a very useful tool to have running in the background since the compendium search on Roll20 is so slow.

Looking forward to giving this a better try during my next session!

Great to hear! Thanks for checking it out.

I have some improvements coming to the encounter generator coming very soon! At the moment, you can only import monsters from the SRD (aka, basic ruleset). But I'm working on robust support for custom monsters, and customizing existing monsters.

I played D&D 15 years ago back when I was at Uni. I enjoyed the experience with an amazing DM, but later had a miserable experience with a bad DM. Nowadays I dont have as much time as I wish I had but I would love to play "casually"

The other day I was thinking about some kind of online service that would let you join a D&D like distributed party. It would be cool to have the experience with good DMs and maybe even pay them something per game.

There is Roll20, which allows you to play in online campaigns.

> The other day I was thinking about some kind of online service that would let you join a D&D like distributed party

Sounds like a virtual tabletop, of which there are many, some with fully licensed support for D&D and other major TTRPGs (Roll20, Fantasy Grounds, etc.)

I totally know what you mean - a DM can really make or break the experience. I have some ideas around this that may surface in Adventurekeep at some point.

I hope you get an opportunity to play again. D&D is such a unique experience that everyone should be able to participate in.

Hey friend, this looks awesome! I spent some time playing around with a similar idea but ended up chasing it from a different angle (a tool you could use to create arbitrary roleplaying systems, divorced from D&D).

Was just digging around because I was curious how you were doing some things, particularly loading the character and monster data. If I'm understanding this correctly, you've got it all packed into just 391kb of JS which blows my mind!

That said, I think your webpack might be slightly misconfigured for that output bundle - I'm seeing what appears to be the same JS requested twice, under `%5BpageId%5D.js` and `%5BcharacterId%5D.js`.

One feature that I'd love to see added would be the ability to make certain pages, characters, or sections public.

The suggested creatures for an encounter don't seem to be taking the level into account - I'm getting mostly CR 1/8 - 3 for any environment I select, with a single character of level 14.

Overall, great job. Really like the UX, and I think that the quick search is a crucial improvement to existing tools. Being able to quickly search for things and link to other stuff is huge. I'm sure we'll be able to embed other content types soon as well.

Public/sharing options is something very high on my priority list. I wanted to get the core functionality right before moving on to that feature set.

As for the js bundles, everything including webpack is managed by next.js, and it handles code splitting at the route level. I'd like to converge the /page and /character pages to reduce the network calls, but unfortunately its out of my control right now.

I will take a look at the encounter ratings. Thanks for letting me know!

Love the editor. Great tool to write stories. Please consider connecting with D&D Beyond for things like items, characters, monsters, etc. They already have so much content available (licensed D&D content and homebrew). And they have implemented a lot of the rules. I'd love to use Adventurekeep for managing storylines in my existing campaign at D&D Beyond.

It's definitely something I'd love to do. I have some ideas on how to make this work - unfortunately, D&D Beyond does not provide an API, so it won't be trivial. I'll be posting updates as I make progress on this.

Thanks for the feedback!

Check out https://5e.tools/ they have a great API.

I've had a look round there website and I can't see anything about an API. Can you point me in the direction of some documentation (or anything really)?

Not a great idea to hook a prospective business to a piracy site, no matter how good it is.

I thought 5e went open license again?

Specifically, 5e.tools includes full results (class features, items, spells, monsters, ...) from a large number of books, which are definitely not all open content.

the basic ruleset is free to use in commercial products under the OGL [1]. The official Wizards of the Coast published adventures are not free for distribution and is (legally) available only through authorized resellers like D&D Beyond and roll20.

[1] https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/systems-reference-...

Seems like a great idea, some feedback:

1) on Android Chrome when selecting text, the native copy/paste popup overlaps your text editing popup.

2) would be nice to have a tutorial with a sample adventure and how to reference/link

3) full character sheets on edit details

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll take a closer look at these. Great suggestions!

I'm a bit surprised you ask for an email address and then proceed to do OAuth2.0. Why not skip the ask-for-email and get it from the identity provider?

EDIT: I like the idea and some of the execution. I have multiple UX suggestions that I will need time to collect (when not at work). One thing that was particularly jarring was the modal that pops up when you click an entity instead of the information being inlined in the frame. One feature I would highly recommend is the ability to make maps and reveal them piecemeal to players. I think this can really be something to open roleplaying up for a larger audience.

Looks nice! Seems like a good fit for interfacing with map tools like [0]

[0]: https://deepnight.net/tools/rpg-map/

Looks cool. I like that you're focusing on the usage that's important when planning / running an adventure: In the moment, you need to be able to look up things fast, AND you also want those links to stay in your notes in a readable way. I prioritized those same two use cases when writing an emacs org mode extension for my own use [1].

[1] https://gitlab.com/maltelau/org-lookup-dnd

Wow this looks awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Very cool, since this is HN I would be nice to see what you're using to create this, is there a plugin system, roadmap, open source?

The front end is built with react, backend is using using prisma and Apollo Server.

There is no plugin system currently, but something I'm open to! I think that could be a great way to let people make Adventurekeep into what they really want it to be.

I do have an internal roadmap. If there's broader interest, I could clean it up and make it a public Trello board.

The application is not currently open source. But that could change if I were to introduce something akin to a plugin system.

Thanks for the questions!

This looks great. Do you have a blog or something where you post updates?

I'm going to write my next adventure segment here and see if it flows better than googledocs. This feels like an online OneNote tool but it's free and not owned by MSFT so big plus.

It looks great and so far has been super intuitive to add/edit campaign parts. Job well done!

I will be posting updates as they’re ready. Keep an eye out! I would like to include some sort of blog format.

I'll have to keep this in mind for my next campaign. I wasn't very happy with most the online tooling around DND either and spent a lot of time thinking about what would make for a better system but never spent the time to make it. Best of luck!

This is exactly what drove me to build Adventurekeep. Try it out and let me know what you think!

Amazing, would love to see a pathfinder (2) version (the D&D 3.5 spiritual successor)

I can't login or signup for some reason so I guess I can't look at it today.

Hey, I'm sorry to hear that. Could send an email to contact@adventurekeep.com? I can try to get you sorted out.

Do you give access to the PHB content or just the standard rule set?

Just standard rule set at the moment. Hopefully can expand on this in the future!

Can you edit the monster stats for an encounter?

I am actively working on robust custom monster support. Keep a look out for that update soon!

This looks really slick, what's the stack?

React for the front end, node/Apollo Server + prisma graphql for the back end.

EDIT: I should probably elaborate that the FE is actually next.js

damn this looks amazing.

Thank you! Thanks for checking it out

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