Because the way the American social safety net works, you often wind up losing more than $5/hour worth of benefits to get that $5/hour job.
Many low wage jobs are physically demanding, have terrible (or no dependable) schedules, and offer limited hours so as to avoid having to offer benefits. It's not uncommon for low wage workers to juggle two or three jobs in order to get enough hours of paid work to survive. The problem then is that it is very hard to manage schedule conflicts between the jobs when they occur. Too many conflicts can cost you your job. I've seen this happen many times.
> Because the way the American social safety net works, you often wind up losing more than $5/hour worth of benefits to get that $5/hour job.
Yeah, the marginal tax for the underclass is a huge problem!
If you lose $12/h in benefits by taking a $10/h job, most people won't take the job. Not because they're lazy, but because they're sensible rational people.
I'm not being sarcastic. It's such a bizarre mental contortion.