Not exactly. While you could claim that due to technological advances a person working a low skilled job at full time in 2019 is better off than someone doing an equivalent job in 1980, you fail to take into account that in 2019 that person would be by major guidelines in a much worse position, ie, no hope of owning a house, taking public transit, can't support a family in a city, less likely to be in a supportive union, and so on. In the things that matter, the person in 2019 is worse off. And at the same time, a worker in 2019 has wildly increased productivity compared to one in 1980. So in a sense, purely by the standard of what they produce, they make more but has less baseline property and amenities. This is an issue. It's no coincidence that rich people have proportionally gotten much much richer in these 40 years, and it has 100% come at a cost to the majority.
The comparison that I made is not between 1980 and the present, it is between 1930 and 1980. This is a very different time period and saw very different trends than have happened since.