This tool does a slightly different analysis than @RISK's — we use a different method under-the-hood that can account for interaction effects between variables, whereas I think @RISK performs one-way sensitivities. But it's essentially the same use-case, yes :)
@RISK is pretty cool and does a lot of important things that spreadsheets alone don't do, like working with distributions + monte carlo instead of single values, and sensitivity analysis. It has a pretty steep learning curve, though, and inherits all the issues of the spreadsheet paradigm.
We actually assume uniform distributions for the inputs of the sensitivity analysis.
This tool is a standalone thing, and you're right — it's similar to TopRank. Our actual product, Causal ( has aspects of @RISK, but packaged in our own (non-spreadsheet) modelling paradigm.
Nice demo! It's perhaps a little confusing if you're using uniform probability distributions for the sensitivity analysis inputs, but normal distributions for the uncertainty analysis (shown at
@RISK is pretty cool and does a lot of important things that spreadsheets alone don't do, like working with distributions + monte carlo instead of single values, and sensitivity analysis. It has a pretty steep learning curve, though, and inherits all the issues of the spreadsheet paradigm.