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Absolutely, these "initiatives" simply give lip service to the idea of fostering true entrepreneurship. Too bad they are passed off as legitimate actions in most media outlets.

He did mention simplifying the tax code in the state of the union address.

Talk is cheap.

I don't mean that as a criticism of Obama specifically. There is a long history of people promising tax simplification. Very little has ever happened, quickly erased by further complexification.

(Broadly speaking, they're doing it wrong. The solution to a too-complicated tax code is to fix the incentives Congress has to make a complicated tax code, then let the problem address itself incrementally over several years. Simply burning straight for simplication without addressing the underlying problems is doomed to failure. Of course, trying to address the underlying problems is also mostly doomed to failure, so shrug.)

> Broadly speaking, they're doing it wrong. The solution to a too-complicated tax code is to fix the incentives Congress has to make a complicated tax code

Controlling people's purse strings is a main source of congressional power. I don't see them giving much of that up any time soon...

It would take a very-well-thought out Constitutional amendment through a State-powered Constitutional Convention (since Congress isn't going to trim its own wings) at a minimum, I fear. Any one of "very-well-thought out", "Constitutional amendment", and "Constitutional Convention" seems pretty unlikely anytime soon; the combination of all even more so. Still, these are crazy times politically, who knows?

They should create large tax write-offs based on how complicated your tax return was. That should simplify things! I think...

Heads of states say a lot of things they never do.

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