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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (hpmor.com)
10 points by pugio on Nov 24, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I never thought a fanfic would become my favorite book (or even that I'd have a book I could reasonably call "favorite"), but the unique blend of logic, nerd-isms, and pedagogy has turned this into one of my top books of all time. You don't need to agree with everything in it to enjoy it immensely.

Audio version recorded at: http://www.hpmorpodcast.com

You late to the game bro Its such an awesome book but really shines in the podcast. Ill read just about anything less wrong recommends.

Any recommendations?

as far as like this fic?

yes, or other good things that less wrong recommends. I really liked hpatmor and I hope that this was not a one time thing

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