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Pretty nice, although these days if when I need Markdown + LaTeX, most often I just create an .ipynb, put it on GitHub (which could render Jupyter notebooks, including LaTeX-splintered Markdown, since a while ago) and call it a day.

Btw, VSCode added native support for Jupyter notebooks recently.

Gitlab renders equations in .md files automatically.

There’s been some form of notebook support in VSCode for a while, but nothing that I liked enough to start using vscode over a notebook server. But I’d love to be able to double click a .ipynb file and start editing and exploring.

Can you link the the recent support you talk about so I can compare it to what I’ve already tried in vscode?


It is exactly as you mentioned, you click the notebook, it renders and opens a Kernel on the background.

The plots have a default dark theme, but can be changed in the same way as if it was inside a normal Jupyter instance.

It's pretty convenient, but a bit buggy still for larger notebooks (I have to constantly save or some actions cause the cells to rollback in time).

Yeah, I noticed that down arrow from the end of a markdown cell would leave the cell and lose typed content. Fortunately I use Emacs keybindings (C-f, C-b, C-p, C-n) to navigate for the most part.

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