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Git smart: How we're using Git to track our source code (37signals.com)
28 points by mqt on June 11, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Despite the 37s backlash, I think this was a good post. I had heard of lots of hackers using Git but not any companies. The fact that a well known company like 37s is using it gives it more credibility and exposure, which will help get more users, which will provide more contributors, documenters, etc.

"Branching and merging in git, though, are wonderfully, blissfully straightforward."

That is a lie (or at best something like Stockholm Syndrome). Nothing in git is straightforward, let alone blissfully so.

Well, init and clone are straightforward -- the only porcelain that git actually has, as far as I can tell.

It's pretty straightforward relative to SVN.

Is there some kind of karma-grabbing contest to post everything that comes out on a few key blogs before anyone else can?

Ew. Someone just posted a message about auto-scripting something like this. Now I feel dirty and ashamed for suggesting it, even if they didn't get the idea from me.

Don't worry, it's been suggested several times before. If someone is that "needy" for karma, let them. I prefer to earn mine the old fashioned way.

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