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How would you accomplish the impossible if your life depended on it? (ryanwaggoner.com)
3 points by ryanwaggoner on Jan 27, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I think one of his brainstorming result ideas is the "Hello HN user ..." banner. Pretty cool if that is the case. My first time on his blog so i dont really know.

I've had that for awhile and it's actually pretty controversial with the HN crowd...every time one of my posts hits the homepage there's a thread of comments about whether it's appropriate :)

If you're interested, it's the WP Greet Box plugin for Wordpress: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-greet-box/

I'll be blogging more in Feb and March about what I'm doing to grow the blog aggressively, but it has less to do with communities like HN and Reddit (which have been amazing to get me going) and more with building subscriptions. So if you're interested in that kind of thing, you should...subscribe :) http://ryanwaggoner.com/feed/rss/

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