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Men and women have different chromosomes, organs, lifespans, brain chemistry[1], expressed genes[2], and the list goes on.

In particular, they also had/have substantially different risk/reward payoff functions. A man who risks all could potentially have thousands[3] of descendants if his bet pays off. A woman will have, at most, a few dozen children.

There are good mathematical models [4] of evolution (as well as data from mammals closely related to humans) that show that a high risk/high reward strategy is going to be differentially selected in males, where there isn't a lifetime reproduction cap.

The genome is upon us. We will soon need to stop ignoring biology.

  [1] http://brizlab.ucsf.edu/brizlab/home.html
  [2] http://adaptivecomplexity.blogspot.com/2006/07/gene-expression-differences-in-males.html
  [3] http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article444767.ece
  [4] Google Scholar starting with "Male Reproductive Skew"

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