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First of all let me start by saying that I dislike articles such as this for many reasons but mainly because research is few and far between and most arguments turn into a 81 cents argument (i e there is obviously discrimination a foot). [by the way 81 cents on the dollar is the amount women earn annually compared to men, not sure if that needed explanation]

Anyway, here's my opinion on the subject. I had a very bright economics teacher in collage who had many terribly enlightening stories [read most boring but some nuggets of pure gold]. Among them, he said once that some people just arn't cut out for owning a business. Anyone can operate a business, just not many people can deal with the amount of risk associated with owning a business. This teacher likened it to being able to sleep at night knowing there was a chance however small that your company would burn down that night. Some people just can't do it.

Anyway, this article pretty much gave a very long list of reasons why to AVOID starting a company. Mainly, because its hard, there is a great deal of risk, oh yeah and its really hard.

Why do women seldom start companies? Why are there seldom women firefighters? I don't know, because its a damn dirty job and they just don't want to do it. Nothing wrong with that, plenty of men don't want to be firefighters and for that matter entrepreneurs. Its stressful, its hard, and just as often as you hear about facebook hitting it big you can count off dozens of companies that fail every year.

The question isn't why don't we have more women, the question is why do we have so many men?

There's plenty of excellent research out there -- "Unlocking the clubhouse" is a good place to start.

And maybe you're not interested in why we don't have more women, but lots of other people are.

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