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Because condoms break and people forget to take pills.

Is this a genuine question?

Yes, as a wannabe male founder, worries about pregnancy are pretty low on my priorities list even though I would have to make cutbacks to support her. But I didn't think even pregnancy worries should prevent her from enjoying her life, or being a founder as she mentioned that the paranoia is stopping her.

Heck, wouldn't it be a great inspiration for a female founder's project getting major traction while pregnant?

No. A Startup is all-enveloping, and a pregnancy is all-enveloping, and there's only one person

What do you mean by pregnancy as all-enveloping?

Same thing I mean by startup being all-enveloping. A startup fully takes over the founder's life. A pregnancy fully takes over the expecting mother's life.

Most people I know would say that's easily solvable by abortion. What I'm thinking she means is that she might suddenly decide that having a kid is a good idea. In which case the question is justified.

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