It's like cash, i frankly don't care about value either but a form of payment that is not tied to me specifically where I can exchange the money for goods and services is crucial to me. Not much different from a cash giftcard i can use to pay for things online
Sounds like as good of a deal as right now where do the dollar bills I hold are guaranteed to be worth less tomorrow, with occasional periods of it being worth significantly less.
The US inflation rate has never been more than 4% annually in over 30 years. Bitcoin often moves more than 20% in the span of a few days. If you don't like volatility, you don't want Bitcoin.
Using one-off wallets increases the complexity of a financial forensics problem, but doesn't make it unsolvable. For one thing, you can't force everyone you do business with in the network to follow the same practice.
As a businessperson,yes. As a consumer it works quite well. When you offer services you become tracable. But alas XMR is not so traceable,one can always launder btc through XMR (and maybe profit?) Or zcash.